We have learnt how to read and write Korean script Hangul. In lesson 3 we also learnt the syllable structure of Korean and saw that a syllable block can be made by combining one vowel and one consonant or one final consonant (Phatchim) can also be added below the two letters. After understanding this, concept you should be able to read most of the Korean words easily. I said ‘most of’ because perfecting Korean pronunciation takes a lot of time as there are many rules. But at this point of time we need not worry about those rules. We can read easy Korean words with the knowledge of Korean we have.
So, below I have prepared a table of the most basic and important Korean words for you. These are the words that every beginner level Korean language learner should know and we will be using these words frequently in coming lessons. So it would be great if you practice reading and writing them and memorise them.
Korean | English |
저 | I |
제 | My |
차 | Car, Tea |
구두 | Shoes |
아이 | Child |
오이 | Cucumber |
바다 | Sea |
나라 | Country |
고기 | Meat |
야채 | Vegetables |
나무 | Tree |
야구 | Baseball |
우유 | Milk |
커피 | Coffee |
다리 | Bridge, Leg |
포도 | Grapes |
머리 | Head |
바지 | Pants |
휴지 | Tissue Paper |
비누 | Soap |
사자 | Lion |
기차 | Train |
모자 | Cap |
카드 | Card |
토마토 | Tomato |
바나나 | Banana |
라디오 | Radio |
해 | Sun |
눈 | Eye, Snow |
곰 | Bear |
별 | Star |
귀 | Ear |
입 | Mouth |
책 | Book |
볼펜 | Pen |
공책 | Notebook |
의자 | Chair |
책상 | Table |
학교 | School |
산 | Mountain |
집 | House |
문 | Door |
창문 | Window |
꽃 | Flower |
돈 | Money |
인도 | India |
델리 | Delhi |
한국 | Korea |
서울 | Seoul |
한국어 | Korean Language |
힌디어 | Hindi |
미국 | USA |
일본 | Japan |
일본어 | Japanese Languge |
중국 | China |
중국어 | Chinese |
영어 | English |
학생 | Student |
선생님 | Teacher |
의사 | Doctor |
친구 | Friend |
사람 | Person |
남자 | Boy, man |
여자 | Girl, woman |
물 | Water |
음식 | Food |
밥 | Rice |
빵 | Bread |
과자 | Snacks |
과일 |
Fruits |
이것, 이거, 이 |
This |
그것, 그거, 그 | That |
저것, 저거, 저 | That (Over there) |
네 | Yes, OK |
아니요 | NO |
when is next lecture professor…it amazing
I am too learning this language.
I luv watching Korean dramas and the way they speak dialogues.
very good.
This is really helpful. I’ve watched couple of YouTube channel who tell about various methods to learning Hangeul.. But not actual basics….FYI I’m following your YouTube channel… I’m learning Hangeul not just for the sake of kdrama of kpop which I love….but I actually love their culture and traditions ….
What you doing is making it easier for us to learn Hangeul…keep it up!! Hapsida!!