여러분 안녕하세요!
Welcome to the second lesson.
The title this lesson is 이것은 시계입니까? Meaning : Is this a watch?
In this lesson we’ll learn about :
- Subject marking particles
- Usage of 입니다/아닙니다
- Using verb to be and answering them using Yes/No.
Listen to the audio given below.
[Chapter text from the book SNU Level ]
이것은 시계입니까? [Is this a watch? ]
이것은 시계입니까? [Is this a watch?]
네 시계입니다. [ Yes, this is a watch.]
이것은 구두입니까? [Are these shoes?]
아니요, 구두가 아닙니다. [ No, those are not shoes.]
그것은 운동화입니다. [ Those are sneakers. ]
Let’s take a look at the grammar.
Subject Marking Particles (이/가)
이/가 are Subject marking particles in Korean which are used to denote the subject of the sentence.
- 이 is used after a noun ends with a final consonant. ( Ex, 선생님이, 책이, 이름이)
- 가 is used after a noun ends without a final consonant. (Ex, 학교가, 의자가, 엄마가)
Sentence Structures :
1. N은N -입니까? [Is N N?]
If we have to write" Is this a watch? " in Korean, we'll write ,이것은시계입니까? Here, 이것은 means this/ it and topic marking particle 은 has been used because the word 이것 ends with a final consonant. 시계( watch) is the noun. The verb 이다 has been used in this sentence. As it’s an interrogative sentence.
Hence, we write 입니까. So the finale sentence becomes, 이것은 시계입니까?Likewise we can write,그것은 운동하입나까?? [ Are those sneakers?]
사과는 과일입니까? [ Is apple a fruit?]
2. 네N- 입니다 [This/That is -N(noun)]
If we have to write" Yes, this is a watch . " in Korean, we'll write , 네, 시계입니다. 네 is Yes, 시계 is watch and 입니다 has been used as it is an affirmative sentence.
Note that 이것은 has been dropped in this sentence because the context is clear to the listener. However, you can write it as 네, 이것은 시계입니다 as well.
Likewise we can write,
네, 구두입니다. [ Yes, these are shoes. ]
네, 운동화입니다. [ Yes, these are sneakers.]
3. 아니요, N이/가 아닙니다. [ No, N is not N.]
If we have to write a negative sentence in Korean like “ No, this not a watch “ ,we write, 아니요, 시계가 아닙니다.
아니요 simply means no. 시계 is a watch and 아닙니다 is the negative sentence ending.
Note while using 아닙니다 a subject marking particle is attached to the noun. Therefore, instead of writing 시계아닙니다 , the correct sentence will be 시계가 아닙니다.
Likewise we can write,
아니요, 운동화가 아닙니다. [ No, these are not sneakers.]
아니요, 책이 아닙니다. [No, it is not a book.]
아니요, 문이 아닙니다. [ No, it is not a door.]
이것은 책입니까? [ Is this a book?]
네, 책입니다. [ Yes, this is a book.]이것은 문입니까? [Is this a door?]
아니요, 문이 아닙니다. [No, this is not a door.]
이것은 창믄입니다. [ It is a window.]
Vocabulary :
시계 - Watch
네 - Yes
아니요 - No
구두 - Formal shoes
운동화 - Sports shoes
문 - Door
사과 - Apple
과일 - Fruit
책 - Book
창문 - Window
Note :
- The subject of the sentence maybe deleted if the meaning is made clear by the context.
- While using 아닙니다, we attach 이/가 with the noun.
- While speaking Korean, use proper intonations, I.e., raise tone for asking a question .
Try to make more sentences following the above sentence structures. Also, solve the exercises given in the book SNU Level 1.
If you don't have this book, click here to download it's pdf for free : https://www.pdfdrive.com/korean-level-1-e186280494.html
Click on the link to see the video lecture :
We are using the book SNU Level 1 as reference to teach here. If you don’t have this book, click here to download it’s pdf for free : https://www.pdfdrive.com/korean-level-1-e186280494.html
And try solving the practice questions by yourself.
That’s all for today, keep practicing !
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