How will you say “Shall we go together to a movie?” in Korean? Read more to get an answer in these 7 easy Korean sentence structures to learn.
Korean grammar, like any other language’s grammar, is like an ocean, it doesn’t end. However, there are always specific grammar patterns and sentence structures that are used in everyday life by natives, and hence we should be acquainted with them.
고 싶다
This can be used when you want to say I want to VERB. The conjugation is easy. Just take a verb, for example, 자다 (to sleep). Now remove the 다 and add 고 싶다 to the verb stem. In this case, it will be 자고 싶다.
And the present tense conjugation will become 자고 싶어요 which means I want to sleep.
Some more examples are mentioned below.
가다 (to go)
가고 싶다 – 저는 내년에 민국에 가고 싶어요 (I want to go to the USA next year).
먹다 (to eat)
먹고 싶다 – 우리 엄마는 한식을 먹고 싶어요 (My mom wants to eat Korean food).
사다 (to buy)
사고 싶다 – 저는 제일 예쁜 가방을 사고 싶어요 (I want to buy the prettiest bag).
마시다 (to drink)
마시고 싶다 – 지금은 제가 차보다 커피를 더 미시고 싶어요 (Right now, I want to drink coffee more tha tea).
졸업하다 (to graduate)
졸업하고 싶다 – 우리 여동생은 “언니, 저는 빨리 대학교를 졸업하고 싶어요”라고 말했어요. (My younger sister said, “I can’t wait to graduate from college”).
Sample Conversation:
~ 통화할 때 (On-call):
미나: 여보세요! 이반 씨, 지금 뭐 하고 있어요? (Hello Ivan, what are you doing now?)
이반: 아무 것도 아니에요. 근데 왜요? (Nothing much. But why?)
미나: 오늘 어디나 같이 가고 싶어요? (Do you want to hang out today?)
이반: 음, 좋아요! 그런데 뭐 하고 싶어요? (Um okay. But what do you want to do?)
미나: 저, 어제 개봉한 새 영화를 보러 가고 싶어요. 재미있대요. 그리고 쇼핑도 하고 싶어요. (Well, I want to go to the new movie released yesterday. I heard it good. And I also want to go shopping.)
이반: 음, 그래요. 저는 좋아요! (yeah, Sounds good.)
(으)ㄹ 수 있다
This can be used when you want to say I can VERB. The conjugation is easy. Just take a verb, for example, 춤추다 (to dance). Now remove the 다 and see if the verb stem ends with a consonant or a vowel. If it ends with a consonant, then add 을 수 있다 to it, but if it ends with a vowel, then add ㄹ 수 있다. In this case, it will be 춤출 수 있다, and 춤출 수 있어요 in the present tense, which means I can dance.
Let’s take another verb with a consonant as the final character as an example. 먹다 (to eat), 먹다 will become 먹을 수 있다 and 먹을 수 있어요 in the present tense meaning I can eat in Korean.
One exception to this rule applies when the verb ends with ㄹ. In such cases, you simply need to add 수 있다 to your verb. For example, 놀다 (to play, to hangout), becomes 놀 수 있어요 in the present tense.
Some more examples are mentioned below.
노래하다 (to sing)
노래할 수 있다 – 우리 언니는 가수니까 노래를 잘 할 수 있어요. (My sister is a singer, so she can sing well).
만들다 (to make)
만들 수 있다 – 우리 아빠는 인도 음식을 잘 만들 수 있어요. (Our dad can make amazing Indian food).
운전하다 (to drive)
운전할 수 있다 – 저는 운전하기가 힘들어요. 하지만 우리 여동생은 운전을 잘 할 수 있어요. (I have a hard time driving. But my younger sister can drive very well).
청소하다 (to clean)
청소할 수 있다 – 저는 집을 아주 예쁘게 청소할 수 있어요. (I can clean my house beautifully).
먹다 (to eat)
먹을 수 있다 – 저는 매우 매운 음식도 잘 먹을 수 있어요. (I can eat too much spicy food as well).
Sample Conversation:
철수: 리나 씨, 무슨 일이에요? 얼굴이 안 좋아요. (Reena, is everything alright? You don’t look good.)
리나: 아니에요. 아무 것도 아니에요. (Ah, no, nothing like that).
철수: 아니… 딱 봐도 알 수 있어요. 리나 씨는 어디 아파요? (No, but anybody can tell by looking at you. Are you not well?)
리나: 그런 게 아니에요. 저는 오늘 중요한 날이라서요. (No, nothing like that. It’s just that, it’s an important day for me today).
철수: 무슨 날이에요? (What day is it?)
리나: 제 지난달에 봤던 시험 결과가 오늘 나울 거예요. (It’s my result day for the exam I took last month).
철수: 와! 그거 아주 중요한 시험이라고 들었어요. (Oh that one. Yes, I heard it was an important exam).
리나: 그렇니까요! 떨어질 까봐 걱정해요. (Exactly! I’m worried. What if I fail?)
철수: 왜 떨어질 거예요? 리나 씨는 공부 열심히 했으니까 걱정하지 마세요. 할 수 있어요. 화이팅! (Why will you fail? You studied a lot, so don’t worry about it. You can do it. fighting!)
못 하다
못하다 is just the opposite of the grammar pattern we learn above, (으)ㄹ 수 있다. It means I cannot VERB. Just take a verb and add 못 before it. For example, 가다 (to eat), it becomes 못 가요 (I can’t go).
When it is used with any 하다 verbs, then 못 will come in between the noun and 하다. Let’s take an 하다 verb as an example, 낚시하다 (to go fishing), so it will become 낚시 못 해요 (I can’t go fishing).
뭇 and (으)ㄹ 수 없다 are the same things. You can use both. In the latter pattern, you can use the same rules we used in the above grammar.
Some more examples are mentioned below.
공부하다 (to study)
공부 못 해요/ 공부 할 수 없다 – 저는 아무리 노력해도 과학을 공부할 수 없어요. (No matter how hard I try, I can’t study Science).
만들다 (to make)
못 만들다/ 만들 수 없어요 – 제 룸메이트는 이탈리아인이지만 여전히 이탈리아 음식을 만들 수 없어요. (My roommate is Italian but still can’t make Italian food).
쉬다 (to rest)
못 쉬다/ 쉴 수 없다 – 오늘 일이 너무 많아서 못 쉬어요. (I can’t rest today as I have a lot of work).
춤을 추다 (to dance)
춤을 못 추다/ 춤을 출 수 없다 – 우리 언니는 춤추는 것은 너무 좋아해요. 그런데 춤을 못 춰요. (My sister likes loves to dance. But she can’t dance).
노래하다 (to sing)
노래 못 하다/ 노래할 수 없다 – 부끄럽지만 저는 노래를 잘 못해요. 목소리가 너무 안 좋아요. (It’s embarassing but I can’t sing well. My voice is really bad).
Sample Conversation:
~ 차 안에서 (Inside a car)
재범: 야, 이제 나 운전해도 돼? (Hey, can I drive now?)
진영: 아니, 너는 운전 악직 못 하잖아. (No, you can’t drive yet).
재범: 아니야, 진짜 할 수 있어! (No, really, I can do it).
진영: 넌 운전면허증도 없어. 미안한데 난 이렇게 빨리 죽고 싶지 않아 ㅋㅋㅋ. (You don’t even have a driver’s license. I’m sorry but I don’t want to die so soon, hahaha).
재범: 그래… (hmm okay).
Note: The above conversation is between two very close friends, so it is in 반말 (informal language). Please make sure to not use such language with somebody you are not close with.
(으)ㄹ 거예요
This is a grammar pattern used for future tense form. If you have a final consonant, also known as 받침 (patchim), then you have to attach (을) 거예요.
But when you have a vowel, attach ㄹ 거예요.
Some more examples are mentioned below.
취직을 하다 (to get a job)
취직을 할 거예요 – 저는 대학교에 졸업하자마자 취직을 할 거예요. (As soon as I graduate from university, I will get a job.)
갖다오다 (to go and come back)
갖다올 거예요 – 저는 금방 갖다올 거예요. 좀 기다려 주세요. (I will come back soon. Please wait for me.)
가지고 가다 (to bring)
가지고 갈 거예요 – 오일기예보에서 봤어요. 오늘은 비가 올 거예요. 그래서 우산을 가지고 갈 거예요. (I saw it in the weather reports. It is going to rain today. So, I will take my umbrella with me today.)
밥을 먹다 (to have meal)
밥을 먹을 거예요 – 오늘 친구들과 같이 저녁 밥을 먹을 거예요 (I am going to have dinner with my friends today.)
달리다 (to run)
달릴 거예요 – 제 남자친구는 건강에 대해 걱정하고 있어요. 그래서 이제 매일 달릴 거예요. (My boyfriend is concerned about his health. So he is going to run every day now.)
Sample Conversation:
엄마: 어디 가? (Where are you going?)
아들: 친구 집에 가요. (To a friend’s place.)
엄마: 밥 먹고 가. 근데 왜 가? (Eat and go. Why are you going though?)
아들: 우리는 다음 주에 제출해야 할 프로젝트가 있는데 우리는 오늘부터 그걸 시직할 거예요. (We have a project to submit tomorrow, so we are going to start it today.)
엄마: 그러면 언제 돌아올 거야? (When will you be back?)
아들: 밤 9시 정도요. (Around 9 PM.)
엄마: 알았어. (Okay!)
Note: The above conversation is between a mother and a son. The mother is using 반말 (informal language), while the son is using semi-formal language.
Also Read: The Ultimate List Of Korean Idioms On Body Parts
It simply is a noun ending. When you have a final consonant, attach 이에요, and when you have a vowel, then attach 예요.
Some more examples are mentioned below.
학생 (Student)
저는 학생이에요 (I am a student.)
나라 (Country)
이것은 무슨 나라예요? (Which country is this?)
소설 (Novel)
이게 소설이에요? (Is this a novel?)
인도 (India)
이 나라는 인도예요. (This country is India.)
공원 (Garden)
그곳은 공원이에요? (Is that place a Garden?)
Sample Conversation:
앤디: 이분이 누구세요? (Who is this person?)
지수: 리사 씨예요. (She is Lisa.)
앤디: 안녕하세요 리사 씨. 저는 앤디예요. (Hello Lisa. I am Andy.)
리사: 안녕하세요. 회사원이에요? (Hello. Are you a company employee?)
앤디: 아니요. 학생이에요. (No. I am a student.)
It is a grammar pattern that can be used while giving suggestions. Though be careful while using this as it is an only informal pattern. Please only use this speech with the people you are close with.
Some more examples are mentioned below.
가다 (to go)
가자 – 오늘 같이 영화 보러 가자! (Let’s go for a movie together today!)
만나다 (to play, to hangout)
만나자 – 오랜만이니까 우리 내일 만나자! (It’s been a while, let’s meet tomorrow!)
하다 (to do)
하자 – 와 이거 얼마 만이야. 술 한잔 하자! (wow, it’s been so so long. Let’s have a drink!)
마시다 (to drink)
마시자 – 야, 우리 돌이 감기 결렸잖아, 그럼 따뜻한 차한 마시자! (We both have caught a cold, so let’s drink a warm cup of tea).
여행하다 (to travel)
여행하자 – 이번애는 긴 주말이니까 어디 여행하러 갈까?
그래, 여행하자! (Since it’s a long weekend this time, shall we travel somewhere?
Yes let’s travel!)
Sample Conversation:
~통화하는 중 (on a call)
가: 지금 바빠? (Are you busy now?)
나: 음, 좀. 일하는 중이야. 왜? (Umm yes, working. why?)
가: 오늘 저녁에도 바빠? (Are you busy this evening as well?)
나: 아니 안 바빠. 그때까지 일 마칠 거야. 근데 왜? (No. I will end work till then. But why?)
가: COEX에 갈까? (Should we go to COEX mall?)
나: 그래. 가자! (okay, let’s go!)
아니에요 solely means It is not like that. But it is also used as a grammar pattern with the subject markers 이/가 아니에요, wherein it means the noun is not like that.
Sample Conversation 1:
엄마: 야, 누가 이 꽃병을 깨뜨렸니? (Who broke the vase?)
이안: 뭐…뭐… 무슨 꽃병… 우리 집에 꽃 병도 있어요? (What… what vase? Do we also have a vase?)
엄마: 아 그래 널 몰라? 넌 했지!? (Oh really! You don’t know? It was you, right?)
이안: 아니요 엄마… 저 아니에요. (No mom. It was not me.)
Note: The above conversation is between a mother and a son. The mother is using 반말 (informal language), while the son is using semi-formal language.
Sample Conversation 2:
쉬마: 이거 뭐예요? (What is this thing?)
이반: 책이에요? (This is a book.)
쉬마: 무슨 책이에요? (Which book is this?)
이반: 언어 책인 것 같아요. (Looks like a language book.)
쉬마: 이반 씨 책이에요? (Is this your book Ivan?)
이반: 아니요. 제 책이 아니에요. (No, it is not my book.)
Read: Want to study Korean but don't know where to start?
These were a few of the most used Korean sentence structures you should know. If you practice these very well, you will be able to master basic sentences in Korean.