Let's learn how to use "Verb+기로 하다 [Korean Grammar]" with some example sentences.
V+기로 하다 (Korean Grammar)
V+기로 하다 Korean grammar pattern is used to express a plan or intention.
It equals to "Decided to" in English.
Usually this pattern is used in past tense like V~기로 했다.
V+기로 하다 grammar is used with verbs. The first step of ‘V+기로 하다’ conjugation is to remove ‘다’ from the base form of the verb.
- Take the stem of the verb and directly add 기로 했다 to that.
So let's take a verb 먹다 (to eat). If you remove 다 from 먹다, 먹 (stem) is left. And then, Directly add 기로 했다 to it.
So it becomes 먹기로 했다.
저는 김치를 먹기로 했다. ( I decide to eat Kimchi.)
- 오늘 도서관에 가기로 했어요. (I have planned/decided to go to the library today.)
- 친구들이랑 점심을 먹기로 했어요. ( I planned/decided to eat lunch with my friends.)
- 우리는 내년에 결혼하기로 했어요. (We have decided to get married on New year.)
- 주말에 친구하고 같이 영화관에 가기로 했어요.(I have decided to go to cinema with my friend in the weekend.)
- 오늘 시장에 가기로 했어요 (I have decided to go to the market.)