Upper Body Parts Names in Korean 

 April 16, 2023

By  Uruba Kashish



No. English Word Korean Word
1 Tongue
2 Skin 피부
3 Elbows 팔꿈치
4 Arms
5 Chin
6 Nostrils 콧구멍
7 Nose
8 Fist 주먹
9 Gum 잇몸
10 Lips 입술
11 Mouth
12 Forehead 이마
13 Teeth
14 Thumb 엄지
15 Face 얼굴
16 Shoulders 어깨
17 Ring finger 약지
18 Heart 심장
19 Fingernail 손톱
20 Palm of the hand 손바닥
21 Finger 손가락
22 Hand
23 Eyelashes 속눈썹
24 Bone
25 Cheek 볼/ 뺨
26 Nape of the neck 목덜미
27 Throat 목구멍
28 Neck
29 Hair 머리 / 머리카락
30 Head 머리
31 Eyebrow 눈썹
32 Eyelid 눈꺼풀
33 Eye
34 Muscles 근육
35 Ear
36 Index finger 검지
37 Chest 가슴
38 Wrists  손목

Uruba Kashish

Uruba Kashish completed her schooling in Commerce, bachelor's in English literature& Education. Currently doing her Masters in Translation studies (MATS). She is working as a Educational content writer with reputed websites like LKI, Annyeong India & TOPIK Guide. She is a Korean language and culture enthusiast and has been working across multiple disciplines which broadly addresses narratives of similarities between Korean and Indian culture. Apart from being a content writer at LKI, she is a Korean language Instructor at LKI. She manages Annyeong India website as Creative Head and has had her pieces published in TOPIK GUIDE website as well. In her other life, she is a rising entrepreneur, life enthusiast and a learner and is involved with multiple Korean-Indian projects. We are a team of passionate researchers from Seoul National University specializing in Korean language and linguistics. We are committed to helping international students prepare for the TOPIK test. You can connect with us.

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