How long does it take to get a job as a Korean language expert ? This is a question I receive a lot through emails and messages. How long do we need to learn Korean to get a job in a Korean company or as a freelancer?
Obviously it will differ depending on the various communication skills and degrees you have.
I started learning Korean at JNU in 2007 in the center of Korean studies. It was July-Aug when the session started there. I remember the first job that I got was a freelance job in 2009 maybe in May. By the end of the first week of May. All the exams were over and we had a two and a half month summer vacation . At that time I received a call from a Korean company based in Gurgaon that was a legal outsourcing company. So they contacted for the requirement of a Korean language expert to view the documents. In universities when you take foreign language as a subject they also teach you culture and literature apart from the language as well. It’s not a very intensive language program in which you learn Korean in a period of three years so maybe if you are studying in an institution that has an intensive program there the learning will be a little bit faster than compared to university where it takes some more time to reach the same level of skill. By the end of the second year I was able to read, write and properly communicate with Korean people fairly well. After a week I received an interview call from them on a 2-3 month long project so I need to work from the office. They paid me fairly well. It was a good experience for me and at the end I received a scholarship offer for Korea as well. I got a KGSP scholarship right after and things have been fairly well since then.
So how long does it take to get a job in Korean language field , on your own, without enrolling in any language university and doing courses in some institute all by yourself ?
If I talk about my course which I am running to teach Korean to Indians. I think if people study for a year, I am pretty sure and confident that they will be able to get a job as a freelancer and as a core language expert in companies. They will reach that level in terms of communication and writing and reading skills in about 1 year.
What the course will provide ?
- Zoom virtual classes for real time Korean conversation to improve speaking skills.
- Intensive study curriculum with periodic lesson practice questions.
- Assignments to monitor the growth of the student.
- Proper assistance by the teachers to clear doubts.
Click here for Korean language course details.
Obviously if you don’t have any other qualification apart from the language that it would be a little difficult for you you definitely need to have bachelors in other subject so to expand your horizon and utilize your language skill even if you have some basic computer knowledge on English girls they should be able to get a job pretty easily. Still the prospects in the language field are pretty good so if you want to learn any foreign language I think we are in the right time and it’s a really good time to do a foreign language especially in Korean language as a career.